maandag 20 september 2010

NOTD: Nfu.Oh 60

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Hello everybody!

I was going through my Nfu.Oh's, and I noticed I haven't showed #60 yet, so here it is! This is one coat of #60 over 2 coats black creme polish.
I could've done 3 or 4 coats of the nfu.oh, but I found this to be easier.

Maybe you're thinking: "hey, this reminds me of #38?" Well, it's kinda the same, but also kinda not the same... haha. Click here for my NOTD with #38.
As you can see, 38# has more flakies in it, also the #60 is darker and doesn't show yellow/green as much as #38. The orange tone is also darker with #60.

Bottle pic:

I have a question for you... This friday I will go to an important accountancy firm. It's called PriceWaterhouseCoopers, maybe you've heard that name before? :P
It's with my school, but it's important to leave a good impression, because it might be possible to do my internship there. So I was thinking to do a french tip, or just go "naked" if I don't find the time to do one.
What do you think? Am I worrying too much?

Thanks for stopping by!
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